Substitute Payment Form
Sub Shortage Information
The Willard School District will be continuing the following changes made last year in an effort to fill the district-wide sub shortage gap and value our people who are already helping to fill the needs of their buildings. These changes will continue starting Monday, August 21, 2023.
Implementations to Assist with Sub Shortage
Full-Time Subs
We currently have eight full-time subs—two at the High School, two at the Middle School, two for the north side, and two for the south side.
Professional Development/Collaboration
We will avoid scheduling Professional Development and Collaboration Days on Mondays and Fridays, as those are typically the days with the biggest substitute needs. All district PD will be scheduled on Tuesday - Thursday. Collaboration Days need to be scheduled on Tuesday - Thursday as well. Up to two buildings per day can schedule Fall and/or Spring Collaboration Days.
Opportunity for Compensation for Current Staff
If you are a certified or classified employee who has subbed for another teacher within your building, you must complete the Substitute Payment Form to receive payment.
You may only receive compensation for covering due to lack of subs or for a school-sponsored activity (band, golf, academic competitions). Additionally, only staff members with a substitute certificate or appropriate certificate will be eligible to participate. Forms will be reviewed and approved by your building administrator(s) and district office.
Once approved, hours subbed will be paid at the hourly rate of $20 for Certified Staff Members and $15 for Classified Staff Members. Hours subbed will be paid the following month. You will not be able to backlog hours. For payment to be issued, this form must be submitted no later than the first business day of the following month.