Professional Learning
District Growth Hours Guidelines
The purpose of District Growth Hours is to provide additional professional development for certified staff. Each staff member is required to log 6 hours based on the requirements below:
- District Growth Hours will be reported in Talent Ed.
- 6 Hours must be completed by end of academic year (June 1st).
- Hours must be completed outside of regular contract time, but can include in-house or outside events. PD hours during the school day/contracted time may count for an individual’s Professional Development Plan or certification requirements, but will not count towards the District Growth Hours.
- After school
- Weekends
- Summer (non-contracted time)
- School holidays
- Hours may NOT be earned through:
- Work towards advanced degrees
- Participation in district pd days
Professional Learning Resources
PLC Committee Members
Willard Central
- Jill Berry
- Christa Hernandez
Willard East
- Tille Woods
- Nicole Waddell
Willard North
- Jessica Ridder
- Whitney Paszek
Willard Orchard Hills
- Heather Hurt
- Emory Clark
Willard South
- Rebecca Champ
- Kara Adams
Willard Intermediate North
- Katelyn Becraft
- Ron Keys
Willard Intermediate South
- Arrica Jessen
- Kennedy Cisneros
Willard Middle School
- Brooke Totty
- Beth Robinson
Willard High School
- Amy Dixon
- Nathan Walker
Curriculum & Instruction
- Melanie Jones, Instructional Coach, WCE
- Kelia Anderson, Instructional Coach, WEE
- Dana Runyan, Instructional Coach, WNE
- Kristin Ausmus, Instructional Coach, WOHE
- Laurissa Jones, Instructional Coach, WSE
- Olivia Santhuff, Instructional Coach, WIS-N
- Samantha Muller, Instructional Coach, WIS-S
- Amy Davis, Instructional Coach, Middle School
- Tony Sharpsteen, Instructional Coach, WHS
Ex-Officio Members
- Shannon Cuff, CIA Director
- Melissa Lewis, SPED Director