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Title III

Language Instruction for English Learners and Immigrant Students

Legislative Purpose: Title III ensures ELs including immigrant children and youth, attain English proficiency,  develop high levels of academic achievement in English, and meet the MLS by achieving high levels in the core academic subjects, in educational settings taught in English. Parent and community involvement must also be promoted. ELs succeed better in programs that specifically address their needs. Federal legislation requires LEAs provide appropriate services. Based on the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and federal court decisions, the Federal Office of Civil Rights (OCR) has outlined components of a successful program for students learning English. 

Programs are to be: 

1. based on a sound education theory - LEAs must meet the educational needs of ELs with an effective, research-based instructional program; 

2. adequately supported, with adequate and effective staff and resources, so the program has a realistic chance of success; and, 

3. periodically evaluated and, if necessary, revised. 

OCR does not require or advocate a particular program of instruction for ELs and nothing in federal law requires one form of instruction over another as long as it meets OCR outlined components. Therefore, LEAs have the flexibility to develop programs that appropriately meet the needs of their students.