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Free & Reduced Lunch Application

Free and REduced Meal Application


About Free & Reduced Lunch Application

The Willard Public School District operates a meal assistance program, which complies with federal guidelines. It's easy (and fast!) to apply for meal assistance, free or reduced price meals, for our breakfast and lunch programs.

  • Complete and submit the Free & Reduced Price Meal application online. The paper foms listed on the site can be printed off and returned (completed) to any school office. 

  • Once the application is received, a determination will be made within ten (10) days to see if your student(s) qualifies for Free or Reduced Priced Meals. Qualification is based on household income and family size. A complete application will include income information by source, social security number and the signature of an adult household member.

  • Please keep a copy of application for your reference.

  • Until you receive a written notification letter from Nutrition Services that your student is eligible for free or reduced priced meals, full payment must be made for each meal received. Notification from any other source, or any means other than written, is not valid.

If your student(s) were eligible for the Free or Reduced Priced Meals the previous school year, you have thirty (30) days after the first day of school to fill out a new application and for it to be approved. Otherwise the student(s) will be classified as a “Full Pay” student. After the lapse of thirty (30) days, full payment will be required if the new application has not been received and approved by the Student Nutrition Department.

Foster children are categorically eligible for free meal benefits. An application is not needed yet there does need to be documentation of status by a state or local entity familiar with the child's status. Foster children may be included in the household application as part of the household size.