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The Willard Public School District uses a variety of methods of communication to share school-related and district-related news, reminders and important information with parents/guardians, staff, and the community. Below are the ways you can expect updates from the district.

Website: The district website is designed to be a resource for staff, families, students, and community members. The district website is managed by the Willard Schools’ Communications department, while each building’s website is managed by a designated building coordinator. 

Mass Notifications: The district has a mass notification system to send rapid messages (phone, text, or calls) to all district stakeholders. This messaging system shall be used at the discretion of the district or building administrators, or the district's communications department. 

For parents/guardians with students in the district—it is important that you have a current email address and cell phone number in your Parent Portal account in Infinite Campus. Please check to make sure your contact information is up-to-date in your account so you are receiving all school-related communication from the district, building principals, and your student's teachers. 

TigerNews & Staff Communicator: The district has created two platforms of weekly communication to the appropriate stakeholder groups. Families and staff who subscribe will receive a weekly newsletter called TigerNews. TigerNews will encompass the accomplishments from the previous week, important information, upcoming events, and any other major news throughout the week. This platform was designed to be inclusive of all student activities, staff accomplishments/recognitions, and any major messaging that needs to be sent to the broader community. Staff Communicator is designed as the primary communication tool for all staff. This weekly message will encompass all staff-specific information, deadlines, and opportunities. 

Social Media: The district focuses on two social media platforms to deliver its messaging—Facebook and Instagram. These platforms will encompass student and staff accomplishments, important events, and any other major news throughout the week. The usage of these platforms is designed to be inclusive of all student activities, staff accomplishments/recognitions, and any major messaging that needs to be sent to the broader community. 

Crisis Communication: The district’s number one priority is student and staff safety. There are procedures in place for when and how to communicate with the appropriate stakeholders. In any and all situations, the district will communicate with the appropriate authorities to ensure that the number one priority is met. When appropriate, the district will notify those who are directly affected by the situation.

How to reach us: We are always happy to have a conversation with any district stakeholder. Please feel free to give us a call at 417-742-2584 and we will direct your call as needed.

Media Inquiries: All media inquiries should be sent to the Director of Communications and Public Relations.

Winter Weather FAQs: Please remember that we will always contact you if school is not in session. If you do not hear from us, you can safely assume school will continue as normal for the day.